hi there!

Through this website you will find out who i am, what i do, what my interests are and what my area of expertise is.*This site tells about me, if you want to see my project gallery visit my Online Repository

Karell Photo

Karell Lutkmeier

who i am?

Born on Brazil, since i was a child i like using computers and technology. As time went by, i realized that i actually had a lot of skills from that

I've always been passionate about fashion and personal lifestyles, i'm very perfectionist when it comes to details. Peoples who live with me on a daily basis call me delicate, and very careful in what i do

What i do?


I'm a beginner Freelancer, for about 4 years I've been looking for paid commissions through the Roblox community (my current scope).I've worked with Programmed Interfaces (in Lua language) and Photoshop Designs, tasks that included: UI manipulation, layout planning, user experience (UX Design) and others...

freelancing on

Roblox Inc.

My first paid work opportunities were on this platform, around 2020 I had my first sales and hiring here. That's why I've stuck with it until now.

game devlopment


Always passionate about game scripting, currently with more than 4 years of experience in the Lua and LuaU (adapted lua version) programming languages.This experience was only within Roblox, I have no experience with Unreal Engine, Unity or other game development enginesSeveral personal projects and freelance commissions were developed here, including this website, the project gallery and my GitHub profile were developed to engage this area of activity.

web devlopment


Since the beginning of my career, my objective was to focus on Web. Unfortunately, i couldn't have enough time to study and better structure myself in this area.

I do not formalize my work in this area, even though I have full knowledge of the technologies below

Ui Design artist

UI Designer

Professional and reliable UI Designer who has been working in the field for over 4 years, with his passion for colors, well-made and delicate, minimalist and responsive interfaces. Using renowned technologies such as Photoshop, i create wonderful projects

UX Design developer

UX Designer

Professional UX Designer who has been working in the field for over 2 years, always creating and maintaining responsive interfaces, with fluid interactions & more

All from my systems there's an source code and you can find on Repos & Releases, i always offer support and guarantee for the smooth functioning from all